Snowboard Plugin Development


The Snowboard framework has been designed to be extensible and customisable for the needs of your project. To this end, the following documentation details the concepts of the framework, and how to develop your own functionality to extend or replace features within Snowboard.

Framework Concepts

Snowboard works on the concept of an encompassing application, which acts as the base of functionality and is then extended through plugins. The main method of communication and functionality is through the use of JavaScript classes which offer instances and extendability, and global events - a feature built into Snowboard.

The following classes and abstracts are included in the Snowboard framework.

The Snowboard class

The Snowboard class is the representation of the application. It is the main point of adding, managing and accessing functionality within the framework, synonymous to using jQuery or Vue in your scripts. It is injected into the global JavaScript scope, and can be accessed through the Snowboard variable anywhere within the application after the {% snowboard %} tag is used.

In addition, Snowboard is injected into all plugin classes that are used as the entry point for a plugin, and can be accessed via this.snowboard inside an entry plugin class.

// All these should work to use Snowboard globally

// In your plugin, Snowboard can also be accessed as a property.
class MyPlugin extends PluginBase {
  myMethod() {

The Snowboard class provides the following public API for use in managing plugins and calling global events:

Method Parameters Description
addPlugin name(String)
Adds a plugin to the Snowboard framework. The name should be a unique name, unless you intend to replace a pre-defined plugin. The instance should be either a PluginBase or Singleton instance that represents the "entry" point to your plugin.
removePlugin name(String) Removes a plugin, if it exists. When a plugin is removed, all active instances of the plugin will be destroyed.
hasPlugin name(String) Returns true if a plugin with the given name has been added.
getPlugin name(String) Returns the PluginLoader instance for the given plugin, if it exists. If it does not exist, an error will be thrown.
getPlugins Returns an object of added plugins as PluginLoader instances, keyed by the name of the plugin.
getPluginNames Returns all added plugins by name as an array of strings.
listensToEvent eventName(String) Returns an array of plugin names as strings for all plugins that listen to the given event name. This works for both Promise and non-Promise global events.
globalEvent eventName(String)
Calls a non-Promise global event. This will trigger event callbacks for all plugins listening to the given event. This method can be provided additional parameters that will be forwarded through to the event callbacks. This method returns false if the event was cancelled by a plugin.
globalPromiseEvent eventName(String)
Calls a Promise global event. This will trigger event callbacks for all plugins listening to the given event. This method can be provided additional parameters that will be forwarded through to the event callbacks. This method returns a Promise that will either be resolved or rejected depending on the response from the event callbacks of the plugins.
debug ...parameters When the application is in debug mode, this method logs debug messages to the console. Each log message can display one or more parameters at the same time, and includes a trace of the entire call stack up to when the debug call was made.

Debugging in Snowboard

The Snowboard class provides a debug method that allows developers to easily debug their Snowboard application and plugins. This method only works if the Winter application is in debug mode ('debug' => true in the config/app.php file).

Debugging can be called anywhere that the Snowboard class is accessible.

// Globally
Snowboard.debug('This is a debug message');

// Within a plugin
class MyPlugin extends PluginBase {
  myMethod() {
    this.snowboard.debug('Debugging my plugin', this);

In general, you would use the first parameter of the debug method to state the debug message. From there, additional parameters can be added to provide additional context. The method will print a collapsed debug message to your developer console on your browser. You may extend the debug message in your console to view a stack trace, showing the entire call stack up to when the debug message was triggered.

The PluginLoader class

The PluginLoader class is the conduit between your application (ie. the Snowboard class) and the plugins. It acts similar to a "factory", providing and managing instances of the plugins and allowing the Snowboard application to communicate to those instances. It also provides a basic level of mocking, to allow for testing or overwriting individual methods of the plugin dynamically.

Each PluginLoader instance will be representative of one plugin.

In general, you will not need to interact with this class directly - most developer-facing functionality should be done on the Snowboard class or the plugins themselves. Thus, we will only document the methods that may be accessed by developers.

Method Parameters Description
hasMethod methodName(String) Returns true if the plugin defines a method by the given name.
getInstance ...parameters Returns an instance of the plugin. Please see the Plugin instantiation section below for more information.
getInstances Returns all current instances of the plugin.
getDependencies Returns an array of the names of all plugins that the current plugin depends on, as strings.
dependenciesFulfilled Returns true if the current plugin's dependencies have been fulfilled.
mock methodName(String)
Defines a mock for the current plugin, replacing the given method with the provided callback. See the Mocking section for more information.
unmock methodName(String) Restores the original functionality for a previously-mocked method. See the Mocking section for more information.

The PluginBase and Singleton abstracts

These classes are the base of all plugins in Snowboard, and represent the base functionality that each plugin contains. When creating a plugin class, you will almost always extend one of these abstract classes.

There are two key differences between these abstracts, based on the reusability of the plugin and how it is instantiated in the course of the JavaScript functionality of your project:

Detail PluginBase Singleton
Reusability Each use of the plugin creates a new instance of the plugin Each use of the plugin uses the same instance.
Instantiation Must be instantiated manually when it is needed to be used Instantiated automatically when the page is loaded

The reason for the separation is to provide better definition on how your plugin is intended to be used. For PluginBase, you would use this when you want each instance to have its own scope and data. Contrarily, you would use Singleton if you want the same data and scope to be shared no matter how many times you use the plugin.

Here are some examples of when you would use one or the other:

  • PluginBase
    • Single-use AJAX requests
    • Flash messages
    • Widget instances with their own data
  • Singleton
    • Event listeners
    • Global utilities
    • Base user-interface handlers

Global events

Global events are an intrinsic feature of the Snowboard framework, allowing Snowboard plugins to respond to specific events in the course of certain functionality, similar in concept to DOM events or the Event functionality of Winter CMS.

There are two entities that are involved in any global event:

  • The triggering class, which fires the global event with optional extra context, and,
  • The listening class, which listens for when a global event is fired, and actions its own functionality.

There are also two types of global events that can be triggered, they are:

  • A standard event, which fires and executes all listeners in listening classes, and,
  • A Promise event, which fires and waits for the Promise to be resolved before triggering further functionality.

In practice, you would generally use standard events for events in where you do not necessarily want to wait for a response (an asynchronous event). In all other cases, you would use a Promise event which allows all listening classes to respond to the event in due course, and only proceed further once all listening classes have resolved their response (a synchronous event).

Firing either event is done by calling either the globalEvent or globalPromiseEvent method directly on the main Snowboard class.

// Standard event

// Promise event
  () => {
    // functionality when the promise is resolved
  () => {
    // functionality when the promise is rejected

For a plugin to register as a listening class, it must specify a listens method in the plugin class that returns an object. Each key should be the global event being listened for, and the value should be the name of a method inside the class that will handle the event when fired. This is the same whether the event is a standard event or a Promise event.

class MyPlugin extends PluginBase {
  listens() {
    return {
      ready: 'ready',
      eventName: 'myHandler',

  ready() {
    // This method is run when the `ready` global event is fired.

  myHandler(context) {
    // This method is run when the `eventName` global event is fired.

Global events may specify one or more parameters after the event name, which will be passed through to the listeners as arguments for the listener method.

// Adding more parameters to the global event...
snowboard.globalEvent('myEvent', 'parameterOne', 'parameterTwo');

// Makes them available to the listeners as arguments inside a plugin listener!
myHandler(param1, param2) {
  console.log(param1); // "parameterOne"
  console.log(param2); // "parameterTwo"

Snowboard only has one in-built global event that is fired - the ready event - which is fired when the DOM is loaded and the page is ready. This event is synonymous with jQuery's ready event, and is mainly used to instantiate the Singletons that have been registered with Snowboard.


Snowboard includes a simple dependency system that allows a plugin to specify that it needs other Snowboard plugins to be active before the given plugin will work. This system will allow some measure of handling if plugin sources files are deferred or are loaded out of order.

It is stated as a "simple" dependency system because JavaScript does not have the concept of interfaces or class definitions like the PHP languages does, so there is no way to enforce a rigid structure. Instead, we simply check to see if a plugin has been registered with a certain name.

Defining dependencies is as simple as providing a dependencies method that provides an array of plugin names that the plugin intends to use:

class MyPlugin extends PluginBase {
  dependencies() {
    return ['anotherPlugin'];

Snowboard.addPlugin('myPlugin', MyPlugin);

If we use the plugin now, it will throw an Error stating that the anotherPlugin dependency has not be met. Thus, we need another plugin that will fulfill this dependency:

class AnotherPlugin extends PluginBase {

Snowboard.addPlugin('anotherPlugin', AnotherPlugin);

Now, using the myPlugin plugin above will work without issue.

With singletons, dependency checking is slightly more controlled. As singletons have their ready event automatically fired, the dependencies will be checked to ensure that the singleton's dependencies are fulfilled. If they are not, the ready event will be deferred until the dependencies are fulfilled. This way, the singleton still maintains its automatic ready state, but allows for plugin loading to be deferred or delayed until necessary.

class MySingleton extends Singleton {
  dependencies() {
    return ['myDependency'];

  ready() {
    // This method won't fire until a plugin registers with the "myDependency" name


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