
Standard usage

The | md filter converts the value from Markdown to HTML format.

{{ '**Text** is bold.' | md }}

The above will output the following:

<p><strong>Text</strong> is bold.</p>

Converting a single line

The | md_line filter converts a single line from Markdown to HTML format, as an inline element.

{{ '**Text** is bold.' | md_line }}

The above will output the following:

<strong>Text</strong> is bold.

Safe conversion

The | md_safe filter converts the value from Markdown to HTML format, preventing <code> blocks caused by indentation.

{{ '    **Text** is bold.' | md_safe }}

The above will output the following:

<p><strong>Text</strong> is bold.</p>

instead of:

<pre><code><strong>Text</strong> is bold.</p></code></pre>
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