
Renders a richer version of a tooltip, called a popover.


Basic usage

You may add data-control="popover" to an anchor or button to activate a popover. Use the data-content attribute to specify the contents.

    class="btn btn-primary"
    data-content="I am a standard popover">
    Basic popover

Template content

Define the popover content as a template and reference it with data-content-from="#myPopoverContent".

<script type="text/template" id="myPopoverContent">
    <div class="popover-head">
        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="popover">&times;</button>
    <div class="popover-body">
        I am a popover

Event specified content

    class="btn btn-primary"
    Event content popover

    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#btn1').on('showing.oc.popover', function(e, popover) {
            popover.options.content = '<div class="popover-body">Some other content</div>'

JavaScript API

    content: '<p>This is a popover</p>'
    placement: 'top'

Supported methods

.ocPopover('hide') Closes the popover. There are 3 ways to close the popover: call it's hide() method, trigger the close.oc.popover on any element inside the popover or click an element with attribute data-dismiss="popover" inside the popover.

Supported options

  • placement: top | bottom | left | right | center. The placement could automatically be changed if the popover doesn't fit into the desired position.

  • fallbackPlacement: top | bottom | left | right. The placement to use if the default placement and all other possible placements do not work. The default value is "bottom".

  • content: content HTML string or callback

  • contentFrom: selector to source the content HTML

  • width: content width, optional. If not specified, the content width will be used.

  • modal: make the popover modal

  • highlightModalTarget: "pop" the popover target above the overlay, making it highlighted. The feature assigns the target position relative.

  • closeOnPageClick: close the popover if the page was clicked outside the popover area.

  • container: the popover container selector or element. The default container is the document body. The container must be relative positioned.

  • containerClass - a CSS class to apply to the popover container element

  • offset - offset in pixels to add to the calculated position, to make the position more "random"

  • offsetX - X offset in pixels to add to the calculated position, to make the position more "random". If specified, overrides the offset property for the bottom and top popover placement.

  • offsetY - Y offset in pixels to add to the calculated position, to make the position more "random". If specified, overrides the offset property for the left and right popover placement.

  • useAnimation: adds animation to the open and close sequence, the equivalent of adding the CSS class 'fade' to the containerClass.

Supported events

  • showing.oc.popover - triggered before the popover is displayed. Allows to override the popover options (for example the content) or cancel the action with e.preventDefault()

  • show.oc.popover - triggered after the popover is displayed.

  • hiding.oc.popover - triggered before the popover is closed. Allows to cancel the action with e.preventDefault()

  • hide.oc.popover - triggered after the popover is hidden.

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