Media Manager

By default Media Manager works with the storage/app/media subdirectory of the installation directory. In order to use Amazon S3 or Rackspace CDN, you should update the system configuration.

You need to install Winter.DriverAWS plugin before you can use Amazon S3 or Rackspace CDN features.

Please note that after you change Media Manager configuration, you should reset its cache. You can do that with pressing the Refresh button in the Media Manager toolbar.

Configuring Amazon S3 access

To use Amazon S3 with Winter CMS, you should create S3 bucket, folder in the bucket and API user.

Sign up for Amazon AWS account or sign in with your existing account to AWS Console. Open S3 management panel. Create a new bucket and assign it any name (the name of the bucket will be a part of your public file URLs).

Create media folder in the bucket. The folder name doesn't matter. This folder will be a root of your Media Library.

By default files in S3 buckets cannot be accessed directly. To make the bucket public, return to the bucket list and click the bucket. Click Properties button in the right sidebar. Expand Permissions tab. Click Edit bucket policy link. Paste the following code to the policy popup window. Replace the bucket name with your actual bucket name:

    "Version": "2008-10-17",
    "Id": "Policy1397632521960",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Stmt1397633323327",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "*"
            "Action": "s3:GetObject",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKETNAME/*"

Click Save button to apply the policy. The policy gives public read-only access to all folders and directories in the bucket. If you're going to use the bucket for other needs, it's possible to setup a public access to a specific folder in the bucket, just specify the directory name in the Resource value:


You should also create an API user that Winter CMS will use for managing the bucket files. In AWS console go to IAM section. Go to Users tab and create a new user. The user name doesn't matter. Make sure that "Generate an access key for each user" checkbox is checked when you create a new user. After AWS creates a user, it allows you to see the security credentials - the user Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. Copy the keys and put them into a temporary text file.

Return to the user list and click the user you just created. In the Permissions section click Attach Policy button. Select AmazonS3FullAccess policy in the list and click Attach Policy button.

Now you have all the information to update Winter CMS configuration. Open config/filesystem.php script and find the disks section. It already contains s3 configuration, you need to replace the API credentials and bucket information parameters:

Parameter Value
key the Access Key ID value of the user that you created before.
secret the Secret Access Key value of the user that you created fore.
bucket your bucket name.
region the bucket region code, see below.

You can find the bucket region in S3 management console, in the bucket properties. The Properties tab displays the region name, for example Oregon. S3 driver configuration requires a bucket code. Use this table to find code for your bucket (you can also take a look at AWS documentation):

Region Code
US East (Ohio) us-east-2
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1
US West (N. California) us-west-1
US West (Oregon) us-west-2
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) ap-east-1
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1
Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local) ap-northeast-3
Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1
Canada (Central) ca-central-1
China (Beijing) cn-north-1
China (Ningxia) cn-northwest-1
EU (Frankfurt) eu-central-1
EU (Ireland) eu-west-1
EU (London) eu-west-2
EU (Paris) eu-west-3
EU (Stockholm) eu-north-1
South America (São Paulo) sa-east-1
Middle East (Bahrain) me-south-1

Example configuration after update:

'disks' => [
    's3' => [
        'driver' => 's3',
        'key'    => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
        'secret' => 'xxxXxXX+XxxxxXXxXxxxxxxXxxXXXXXXXxxxX9Xx',
        'region' => 'us-west-2',
        'bucket' => 'my-bucket'

Save config/filesystem.php script and open config/cms.php script. Find the section storage. In the media parameter update disk, folder and path parameters:

Parameter Value
disk use s3 value.
folder the name of the folder you created in S3 bucket.
path the public path of the folder in the bucket, see below.

To obtain the path of the folder, open AWS console and go to S3 section. Navigate to the bucket and click the folder you created before. Upload any file to the folder and click the file. Click Properties button in the right sidebar. The file URL is in the Link parameter. Copy the URL and remove the file name and the trailing slash from it.

Example storage configuration:

'storage' => [
    'media' => [
        'disk'   => 's3',
        'folder' => 'media',
        'path' => ''

Congratulations! Now you're ready to use Amazon S3 with Winter CMS. Note that you can also configure Amazon CloudFront CDN to work with your bucket. This topic is not covered in this document, please refer to CloudFront documentation. After you configure CloudFront, you will need to update the path parameter in the storage configuration.

Configuring Rackspace CDN access

To use Rackspace CDN with Winter CMS, you should create Rackspace CDN container, folder in the container and API user.

Log into Rackspace management console and navigate to Storage / Files page. Create a new container. The container name doesn't matter, it will be a part of your public file URLs. Select Public (Enabled CDN) type for the new container.

Create media folder in the container. The folder name doesn't matter. This folder will be a root of your Media Library.

You should create an API user that Winter CMS will use for managing files in the CDN container. Open Account / User Management page in Rackspace console. Click Create user button. Fill in the user name (for example winter.cdn.api), password, security question and answer. In the Product Access section select Custom and in the CDN row select Admin. Use No Access role in the Account section and use Technical Contact type in the Contact Information section. Save the user account. After saving the account you will see the Login Details section with the API Key row that contains a value you need to use in Winter CMS configuration files.

Now you have all the information to update Winter CMS configuration. Open config/filesystems.php script and find the disks section. It already contains Rackspace configuration, you need to replace the API credentials and container information parameters:

Parameter Value
username Rackspace user name (for example winter.cdn.api).
key the user's API Key that you can copy from Rackspace user profile page.
container the container name.
region the bucket region code, see below.
endpoint leave the value as is.
region you can find the region in the CDN container list in Rackspace control panel. The code is a 3-letter value, for example it's ORD for Chicago.

Example configuration after update:

'disks' => [
    'rackspace' => [
        'driver'    => 'rackspace',
        'username'  => 'winter.api.cdn',
        'key'       => 'xx00000000xxxxxx0x0x0x000xx0x0x0',
        'container' => 'my-bucket',
        'endpoint'  => '',
        'region'    => 'ORD'

Save config/filesystem.php script and open config/cms.php script. Find the section storage. In the media parameter update disk, folder and path parameters:

Parameter Value
disk use rackspace value.
folder the name of the folder you created in CDN container.
path the public path of the folder in the container, see below.

To obtain the path of the folder, go to the CDN container list in Rackspace console. Click the container and open the media folder. Upload any file. After the file is uploaded, click it. The file will open in a new browser tab. Copy the file URL and remove the file name and trailing slash from it.

Example storage configuration:

'storage' => [
    'media' => [
        'disk'   => 'rackspace',
        'folder' => 'media',
        'path' => ''

Congratulations! Now you're ready to use Rackspace CDN with Winter CMS.

Audio and video players

By default the system uses HTML5 audio and video tags to render audio and video files:

<video src="video.mp4" controls></video>


<audio src="audio.mp3" controls></audio>

This behavior can be overridden. If there are wn-audio-player.htm and wn-video-player.htm CMS partials, they will be used for displaying audio and video contents. Inside the partials use the variable src to output a link to the source file. Example:

<video src="{{ src }}" width="320" height="200" controls preload></video>

If you don't want to use HTML5 player you can provide any other markup in the partials. There's a third-party script that enables support of HTML5 video and audio tags in older browsers.

As the partials are written with Twig, you can automate adding alternative video sources based on a naming convention. For example, if there's a convention that there's always a smaller resolution video for each full resolution video, and the smaller resolution file has extension "iphone.mp4", the generated markup could look like this:

<video controls>
        src="{{ src }}"
        media="only screen and (min-device-width: 568px)"></source>
        src="{{ src|replace({'.mp4': '.iphone.mp4'}) }}"
        media="only screen and (max-device-width: 568px)"></source>

Other configuration options

There are several options that allow you to fine-tune the Media Manager. All of them could be defined in config/cms.php script, in the storage/media section, for example:

'storage' => [

    'media' => [
        'ignore' => ['.svn', '.git', '.DS_Store']
Parameter Value
ignore a list of file and directory names to ignore. Defaults to ['.svn', '.git', '.DS_Store'].
ttl specifies the cache time-to-live, in minutes. The default value is 10. The cache invalidates automatically when Library items are added, updated or deleted.
imageExtensions file extensions corresponding to the Image document type. The default value is ['gif', 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp'].
videoExtensions file extensions corresponding to the Video document type. The default value is ['mp4', 'avi', 'mov', 'mpg'].
audioExtensions file extensions corresponding to the Audio document type. The default value is ['mp3', 'wav', 'wma', 'm4a'].

Allowing more specific file extensions

By default, the Media Manager only allows a limited set of file extensions. You can extend this list by adding a fileDefinitions config in config/cms.php file.
See Allowed file types for more information.


The Media Manager provides a few events that you can listen for in order to improve extensibility.

Event Description Parameters
folder.delete Called when a folder is deleted (string) $path
file.delete Called when a file is deleted (string) $path
folder.rename Called when a folder is renamed (string) $originalPath, (string) $newPath
file.rename Called when a file is renamed (string) $originalPath, (string) $newPath
folder.create Called when a folder is created (string) $newFolderPath
folder.move Called when a folder is moved (string) $path, (string) $dest
file.move Called when a file is moved (string) $path, (string) $dest
file.upload Called when a file is uploaded (string) $filePath, (\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile) $uploadedFile

To hook into these events, either extend the Backend\Widgets\MediaManager class directly:

Backend\Widgets\MediaManager::extend(function ($widget) {
    $widget->bindEvent('file.rename', function ($originalPath, $newPath) {
        // Update custom references to path here

Or listen globally via the Event facade (each event is prefixed with media. and will be passed the instantiated Backend\Widgets\MediaManager object as the first parameter):

Event::listen('media.file.rename', function ($widget, $originalPath, $newPath) {
    // Update custom references to path here


The most common issue with using remote services is the SSL connection problem. If you get SSL errors, make sure that your server has fresh SSL certificates of public Certificate Authorities (CA).

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