Database: Behaviors

Model behaviors are used to implement common functionality. Unlike Traits these can be implemented either directly in a class or by extending the class. You can read more about behaviors here.


Similar to the hashable trait, encrypted attributes are encrypted when set but also decrypted when an attribute is retrieved. To encrypt attributes in your model, implement the Winter\Storm\Database\Behaviors\Encryptable behavior and declare a protected $encryptable property with an array containing the attributes to encrypt.

class User extends Model
    public $implement = [

     * @var array List of attributes to encrypt.
    protected $encryptable = ['api_key', 'api_secret'];

You can also dynamically implement this behavior on third party models outside of your control:

 * Extend the Winter.User user model to implement the encryptable behavior.
Winter\User\Models\User::extend(function($model) {
    // Implement the sortable behavior dynamically
    $model->implement[] = 'Winter.Storm.Database.Behaviors.Encryptable';
    $model->addDynamicProperty('encryptable', ['encrypted_metadata']);

NOTE: Encrypted attributes will be serialized and unserialized as a part of the encryption / decryption process. Do not make an attribute that is encryptable also jsonable at the same time as the jsonable process will attempt to decode a value that has already been unserialized by the encryptor.


Sorted models will store a number value in sort_order which maintains the sort order of each individual model in a collection. To store a sort order for your models, implement the Winter\Storm\Database\Behaviors\Sortable behavior and ensure that your schema has a column defined for it to use (example: $table->integer('sort_order')->default(0);).

class User extends Model
    public $implement = [

You can also dynamically implement this behavior on third party models outside of your control:

 * Extend the Winter.User user model to implement the sortable behavior.
Winter\User\Models\User::extend(function($model) {
    // Implement the sortable behavior dynamically
    $model->implement[] = 'Winter.Storm.Database.Behaviors.Sortable';

You may modify the key name used to identify the sort order by defining the SORT_ORDER constant:

const SORT_ORDER = 'my_sort_order_column';

Use the setSortableOrder method to set the orders on a single record or multiple records.

// Sets the order of the user to 1...
$user->setSortableOrder($user->id, 1);

// Sets the order of records 1, 2, 3 to 3, 2, 1 respectively...
$user->setSortableOrder([1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1]);

NOTE: If implementing this behavior in a model where data (rows) already existed previously, the data set may need to be initialized before this behavior will work correctly. To do so, either manually update each row's sort_order column or run a query against the data to copy the record's id column to the sort_order column (ex. UPDATE myvendor_myplugin_mymodelrecords SET sort_order = id).

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