

Variables and methods outputted in Twig templates in Winter are automatically escaped by default for security reasons. If you wish to display the raw data without any escaping, use the | raw filter.

{% set html = "<strong>Hi</strong>" %}

{{ html }}
{# Outputs as "&lt;strong%gt;Hi&lt;/strong%gt;" #}

{{ html | raw }}
{# Outputs as "<strong>Hi</strong>" #}

NOTE: Exercise extreme caution when using this filter with user-inputted data.

Be careful when using the raw filter inside expressions:

{% set hello = '<strong>Hello</strong>' %}
{% set hola = '<strong>Hola</strong>' %}

{{ false ? '<strong>Hola</strong>' : hello | raw }}

{# The above will not render the same as #}
{{ false ? hola : hello | raw }}

{# But renders the same as #}
{{ (false ? hola : hello) | raw }}
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